Survey Analysis - All Questions

This analysis calculates totals of all responses to every question. The question type determines how the question totals will be calculated. For example, a Type A question type (single choice) would total the number of responses to each letter choice. A numerical question type, would add the numbers entered by the respondent.

The analysis can be sent to your printer, saved it as an RTF, HTML, or text file, exported to Microsoft Excel, or copied to the Windows clipboard for further refinement in your word processing program. When the analysis is copied to the clipboard, it can be pasted into an existing HTML document. If the file is saved as an HTML document, the opening and closing HTML codes are added to create a complete HTML document.

Report options common to the different report screens are explained in the Introduction to Survey Analysis section of the help file. Settings unique to this screen are described on this help page.

Count Percentage compared to Respondent Percentage
Consider a question with multiple responses. Which of these magazines do you subscribe to? Obviously people could check more than one magazine. Lets assume 50 people answered this question.

Count Percentage totals all the checks = the total number of magazines. Assume the total number of checks was 150. If Time magazine was checked 15 times, the Count percentage would be 15/150 = 10%.

The Respondent Percentage refers to how many people answering the question, checked this choice. In this magazine subscription example, 15 of the 50 people checked the box so the respondent percentage is 15/50 = 30%

WISCO Survey uses the same calculation methods, including rounding, used by Microsoft Excel. Rounded percentages can sometimes total to 99% or 101%. Why? Consider this example, and how rounding would (should) occur. The example numbers were picked for easy calculations, but you can see that rounding will usually create some variation from the exact value. The greater the number of choices, the larger the fluctuations will be from the true value. This variation is not a mistake with either WISCO Survey or Microsoft Excel.
Choice A:20.2%20%20.6%21%
Choice B:20.2%20%20.6%21%
Choice C:20.2%20%20.6%21%
Choice D:20.2%20%20.6%21%
Choice E:19.2%19%17.6%18%

When a result ends with .5, the value of the digit before the decimal determines if the result is rounded up or down. With an odd preceding digit, the value is rounded up (37.5 rounds to 38). With an even preceding digit, the value is rounded down (12.5 rounds to 12).

Changing Column Widths
If the columns are too narrow (or too wide) to display your survey data properly, the column widths can be changed. Place your cursor to the side of the column you wish to resize, then slowly move it until the cursor changes to a sizing arrow. Click the mouse button and hold it down. Still holding the mouse button down, drag the cursor to the left or the right to increase or decrease the width of the column.

For additional help with question types, check out the training tutorials.

Importance (used with Rank Order Questions)
Importance is determined by the rank of the item and the number of respondents selecting an item and rank. From a list of items, a respondents ranks items, first, second, third, etc. Importance is calculated by assigning points to the rank for each item, with the highest ranking item receiving the highest number of points. For each respondent, a first place rank is assigned the maximum number of points, second place is assigned (Maximum-1), third place is assigned (Maximum-2), etc. Then the points are added to calculate the importance.

With this simple example, respondents are choosing their top 3 choices. A first place rank is assigned 3 points. The orange is the most important choice (6 points), even though two other choices (Avacodo and Banana) have a higher average ranking.

FruitsRespondent ARespondent BRespondent CImportanceAverage
Avocado1=3points     3 points1.00
Apple   2=2points   2 points2.00
Banana   1=3points 2=2points 5 points1.50
Orange 2=2points 3=1point 1=3points 6 points2.00
Pear 3=1point   3=1point 2 points3.00

Based on this sample, if you were buying fruit for a cafeteria, would you base your buying decision on the highest average ranking (1.00) or the highest importance (6 points)?

Page last updated: May 26, 2009