Create, Collect, and Analyze Surveys and Web Forms

Survey Software from WISCO Computing
WISCO Survey - Numeric Rating Scale Survey Questions

Numeric Rating Scale questions accept only one response from your predetermined set of values. Numeric Rating Scales are also called Likert Scales. Likert scale questions ask survey respondents to choose their level of agreement with a text choice. Most of the time a likert scale question uses a 5 item scale.

A Single Scale (question type 4) allows you to have up to 9 different values, using your text for the choices. The number of choices determines the maximum scale value for a Single Scale question.

A Multiple Scale (question type 5) allows up to 9 text choices (rows) can be used for this question type. A Multiple Scale - Huge (question type 19) allows up to 25 text choices (rows). Each text choice is rated individually, so the choices can have different or identical values to each other. The maximum scale value is set when the question was entered. Each choice (row) accepts one value from your predetermined set of values. The maximum value is determined by the total number of columns.

A 2-Group Multiple Numeric Scale (question type 6) allows up to 9 text choices (rows). Each choice (row) accepts two values from your predetermined set of values, one value for each group. Group labels were added on the Options/Values tab when the survey questions were created. The Two-Group Multiple Numeric Scale (6) questions always use two groups of 5 columns labels.

The first column uses a rating of 1 and the last column represents the total number of columns. When surveys are analyzed, the average is computed from these values. In the scale displayed below, Excellent has a value of 100%, Poor has a value of 0%. The Rating Scale Percentage displayed on reports are calculated from these values. This calculation is explained more completely below.

Multiple Scale Question types 5, 6 and 19 require column labels. Most rating scales use five text descriptions. These text descriptions become the column labels. These column labels will be displayed when entering survey responses, and included on the survey analysis and survey charts. Text for scales 6, 7, and 8 are entered on the Design Menu - Preferences Selection - User Designed Scales. The five most common generic rating scales (or their foreign language translations) on the right side of the screen can be quickly copied to the column headings by selecting the Rating Scale number with the spinner, and clicking the Insert button. The Rating Scales section of the manual includes additional explanations.

Create Survey Question

  1. Enter survey question text.
  2. Choose question type 4, 5, 6, or 19.
  3. Enter your text choices.
  4. Click the Options/Values tab.
  5. Fill in the column headings.
  6. Enter Question Topic.

Collect Survey Responses

Rating Scale questions saves values in the response database. Example 4 is a Single Scale survey question. The first text choice is given the value of 1. The last text choice (Strongly Disagree = 7) is the maximum value for this Single Scale question.

The Multiple Rating Scale question type saves values for each part of this multi-part question. Example 5 has 5 columns with values ranging from 1 to 5. The scale (Excellent to Poor) was chosen when the questions were created. One value is stored for each text choice.

Non-responses to the survey question are recorded in the database as a 0, and would not be included in the calculations.

The 2-Group Multiple Numeric Scale (question type 6) provides an opportunity to get two values for the same text choice with one survey question. The question type can use two different sets of column labels. The first group uses the column scale labels in positions 1-5. The second group uses the column labels from positions 6-10. An example question could gather information about two qualities, for example: 'Please rate the following TV channels for picture quality (1=Excellent to 5=Poor) and how often you watch that channel (1=Frequently to 5=Never).'

Filtered Analysis

rating scale filter

With this example, Q.4 indicates this is question number 4. The (V) indicates a numeric value needs to be entered in the 'Matching:' edit box match will be performed. 'Department Cooperation' is the question 4 topic. Entering the numeral 1, would only calculate totals to the other survey questions if the respondent answered 1 to this question. Entering <3 or 12 in the edit box will have the program calculate totals to the other survey questions if the respondent answered either 1 or 2 to this question, because both are less than 3. The maximum value is the total number of text choices.


Each of the text choices is listed as an option. In this example, Supervisor is the question topic. With this example, Q.5 indicates this is question number 5. The (V) indicates a numeric value needs to be entered in the 'Matching:' edit box match will be performed. Entering <3 in the edit box will have the program calculate totals to the other survey questions if the respondent answered either 1=Excellent or 2=Good to this question, because both are less than 3. The maximum scale value was determined when the questions were entered.

Survey Rating Question Summary Table

This setting is applied to all rating scale questions (4=Single scale, and 5,19=Multiple Scale, and 6=2-Group Multiple Scale) question. The number of text choices determines the Maximum Value for a Single Scale (4) question. The number of columns determines the Maximum Value for a (5,19). Multiple Scale question. The Two-Group Multiple Scale (6) questions always use 5 columns. A typical scale of 5 terms, for example Excellent to Poor, (columns or text choices) the minimum value is 1 and the maximum value is 5. the average is calculated from these values. If all respondents replied 1 = Excellent, the Rating Value Percentage would be 100%. If all respondents answered 5 = Poor, the Rating Value Percentage would be 0%. If all respondents answered 3 = Average, the Rating Value Percentage would be 50%. The formula used for the Rating Scale Value Percentage = (Max-Average)*(100/(Max-1)). A check box on the Titles Instruction tab for Editing survey questions would make the first choice (Excellent) have a value of 0% and the last choice have a value of 100%. This setting can be useful if your choices are listed in an order that is reversed from normal. The Average Rating Scale Percentage always includes the percentage symbol, ignoring the optional Preference setting.

2-Group Multiple Numeric Rating Scale

2-group multiple numeric rating scales screen shot