Create, Collect, and Analyze Surveys and Web Forms

Survey Software from WISCO Computing
WISCO Survey - Survey Numeric Statistics

Numeric Descriptive Statistical Reports require numeric entry survey questions.

  •   9. Numeric Group
  • 10. 3-Column Numeric
  • 13. Numeric Group-Huge
  • 17. Numeric Entry
  • 23. 5-Column Numeric-Huge
  • 27. 5-Column Numeric

A summary table is displayed above the descriptive statistics.

Fifteen Descriptive Statistical values are displayed for each numerical entry question. The 3 and 5 column numeric entry questions display separate statistics for each cell value.

Number of Values

This count does not include any empty values from the series of numbers being analyzed.

Maximum Value

This function finds the largest value in the series of numbers being analyzed.

Minimum Value

This function finds the smallest value in the series of numbers being analyzed.


The range is found by subtracting the minimum value from the maximum value.


This function adds the values of the series of numbers.

Sum of Squares

This function calculates the deviations of the series values from the mean, squares those deviations, then adds those numbers to get a final result.


This is commonly called the average. It is calculated by adding the series values, and divided by the number of values.


This is the most common value in the series of numbers. If all values in the series are unique, no modal value is displayed.


This function displays the middle value from the sorted set of values. Half of the values fall below, and half the values are above the median.

Standard Deviation

The standard deviation is used to measure how values are distributed around the mean.


The skew measures the symmetry of the distribution of values. If the distribution of numbers includes a greater number of larger values, it has a positive skew. If the distribution includes more lower values, it has a negative skew.

First Quartile

This value marks the 25th percentile.

Third Quartile

This value marks the 75th percentile.

Null Values

This is a count of empty values from the series of values being analyzed.